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Benefits of Deep Conditioning

Janet Gilbert

How many times a month are you deep conditioning? I suggest deep conditioning at least twice a month. If you are experiencing breakage or excessive dryness, you may want to deep condition more frequently. 

Deep conditioning improves the overall health of your hair. No matter if you are natural or relaxed, it should absolutely be included in your hair regimen because of the many benefits. 

Prevents Damage

Deep Conditioning prevents hair damage. When your hair is moisturized and hydrated, it prevents breakage and split ends. 

Strengthens Hair

Regularly deep conditioning nourishes and strengthens your hair. Deep conditioners include protein and nutrients that penetrate the hair shaft and rehabilitate damaged hair. 

Adds Shine

If your hair is dull and dry, it may be time to deep condition. Deep conditioning repairs damage and smooths the hair shaft to give the hair luster and shine it's been missing. 


Hair can not remain healthy without moisture. Deep conditioning helps maintain high moisture levels in hair. 

Deep conditioning is important as stated above. But also make sure you are properly deep conditioning. 

  • Do not deep condition over night
  • Cover your hair with a plastic cap when deep conditioning
  • Deep condition using low heat or a steamer
  • Focus on your ends
  • Detangle from the ends then work your way to the roots
  •  Thoroughly rinse out deep conditioner using cool water

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