
How to Protect Your Hair While Swimming

Janet Gilbert

Tags blog, hair, hair tips, protective styles, swimming

How to Protect Your Hair While Swimming

We tend to spend a lot of time in the water for obvious reasons (it's SO HOT) during the summer months. While we want you to stay cool, we also want you to protect your hair while swimming. Check out a few of our tips to help keep your hair healthy when taking a dive this summer:   1. Apply a leave-in conditioner before swimming. Applying a leave-in conditioner protects your hair against chemicals in the water. It also makes detangling easier and keeps your hair soft.  after swimming.  2. Rinse hair after swimming. Rinse your hair immediately after getting out of the water to get...

Ways to Save Your Silk Press

Janet Gilbert

Ways to Save Your Silk Press

One thing is for sure, wearing straight hair while being 100% natural can be challenging. Most people have come to the conclusion that a silk press will not last if you are natural. But that is not true. With proper application and maintenance, straight hair can absolutely last. Here are a few ways to save that beautiful silk press: 1. First you need to make sure you book a stylist who is knowledgable about natural hair. A great stylist will be able to use proper tools and products which will make your hair easier to maintain.  2. Do not get...

Why Choosing the Right Hair Stylist is Important

Janet Gilbert

Tags blog, hair, hair tips

Why Choosing the Right Hair Stylist is Important

In case you didn't know, you deserve the best! That includes quality hair maintenance. So many times we tend to neglect our hair due to being tired or just not having enough time to care for our hair. As a result, we choose to pay someone else to maintain it. And that is ok. I look at it as a form of self-care. However, if you choose to take this route, be sure to do your research and find a quality professional who will prioritize your hair needs.  Choosing the right hair stylist is important because you need someone who...

5 Ways to Practice Self-Care

Janet Gilbert

5 Ways to Practice Self-Care

Self-care is not selfish! I can not stress enough how important it is to take care of yourself. The daily struggles of life will wear us out, IF we allow it to. A lot of us are trying to balance so many things, but we forget that we can not pour from an empty cup. So my question is, what are you doing to fill your cup? If you are struggling to find the answer, we want to help. Check out some ways to practice self-care below. Journaling This sounds simple, but it works! All you need is a notebook,...

Product Guide: They Key to Purchasing Carrie J Products

Janet Gilbert

Product Guide: They Key to Purchasing Carrie J Products

Deciding on which products you need for your hair can seem like a full-time job. We create products with simple ingredients that target a variety of hair-types and issues. But you may only need hydration. Or maybe you just struggle with dull hair. Well, we have created a Product Guide (shown above) to help you choose which products to buy. Products not listed on the Product Guide are below:  Body Butta Helps with skin conditions such as eczema Moisturizes skin Helps with dark spots and scars Styling Gel Smooths hair Tames flyaways Adds bounce and volume to hair